Supporters – 2011


The Ottawa Public Sector Quality Fair Committee is pleased to welcome Supporters to our 2011 event that is being held at the Hampton Inn & Conference Centre. We are hoping you will indicate your interest in being a Supporter for next year’s event. The sooner you sign up, the sooner we will be able to display your name and provide a link to your website.  Those wishing to add their support to this event are invited to contact our Webmaster to reserve your place. As the number of spaces are limited, please be sure to contact us soon.

All Supporters will be named on our website – on this page, with links to your website – and in our program the day of the “Fair”. The Supporter groups are as follows and the benefits associated with each group are noted below:

  • Platinum: For $5,000 (HST of $575.22 included): Signage posted to acknowledge the support; five registrations for attendance at the Quality Fair along with exhibition booth space. If greater support is offered, the benefits will be scaled up accordingly;
  • Gold: For $3,000 (HST of $345.13 included): Signage posted to acknowledge the support; three registrations for attendance at the Quality Fair along with exhibition booth space;
  • Silver: For $1,500 (HST of $172.57 included): Signage posted to acknowledge the support; two registrations for attendance at the Quality Fair along with exhibition booth space;
  • Bronze: For $750 (HST of $86.28 included): One registration for attendance at the Quality Fair plus exhibition booth space. An additional person may attend from the Bronze Supporter’s organization for a fee of $200.00.

Another option for Supporters is to invite a Supporter to underwrite the cost of a particular activity such as continental breakfast, coffee breaks (2) and lunch. Anyone interested in pursuing this option is invited to contact our Webmaster who will put you in touch with our Supporter Chair.

For further information and to become one of our Supporters, please contact our Webmaster.




Supporters – Platinum

Supporters – Gold


MGS - Gold Supporter





Supporters – Silver

Supporters – Bronze

Public Works & Government Services Canada The Idea Factory
 Collège Service Canada/Service Canada College .
 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat – Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada