Richard Clarke
Director, Transformation, Innovation & Excellence, Modernization Division, HROntario, Ministry of Government Services Ontario
Richard Clarke is a career public servant having worked with the Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan and is currently employed by the Province of Ontario. His current assignment is as Director of Transformation, Innovation and Excellence with the Ministry of Government Services. His career has included responsibility for employment standards administration both federally and for Ontario.
In h is current position, Richard is responsible for building the transformation capacity of the Ontario Public Service, leading efforts to improve to employee engagement, employee recognition, public service innovation and service excellence.
Richard is currently serving as Treasurer of the Institute of Citizen-Centred Services. Richard has taught Public Administration at Ryerson University and is a member of the Advisory Council for Ryerson’s Public Administration Programs and York University’s Bridging Program.
Richard has organized and facilitated public-sector capacity building workshops for the Tokyo-based Asian Productivity Organization. He has spoken at a variety of conferences and seminars including the Conference Board of Canada, the International Labour Organization and the World Tourism Organization.