Registration – 2015

Event: Canadian Public Sector Excellence Network –  2015 Fair                                                                  

Date & Time: Tuesday, November 17th, 2015 at 8:30am (EST)

Location: Canada Aviation and Space Museum, 11 Aviation Parkway, Ottawa, ON K1K 2X5

Event Registration is managed for CPSEN by Eventbrite.  When you click on “Register” here and on our Home page you will be redirected to our Event page on the Eventbrite website to purchase tickets and register.

Please note:

  • Federal Attendance
  • Sample Training Application and Authorization Form <Click Here>
  • Ticket prices are per person;
  • For Groups, Supporter and Excellence Partner registration, please purchase a ticket for each attendee. The total price will reflect your discounted Group/Supporter/Excellence Partner price;
  • Applicable taxes are included in the Eventbrite process. Our HST Number is: 830 849 022 RT0001 and our Procurement Business Number (PBN) is: 830849022PG0001; and
  • Registration for our event is the registrant’s consent for her/his name being added to the CPSEN database for ongoing communication related to CPSEN programs and activities There are relevant questions in our online registration process that require responses before the registration is complete.

CPSEN is welcoming past Fair attendees and new ones as we launch our new Network. Join us and learn about the Canadian Public Sector Excellence Network and learn from our six interactive Professional Development Sessions, our Talk Show Panelists and other Presenters. Help us congratulate Wayne Wouters as the winner of the 2015 Joint CPSEN-Excellence Canada Public Sector Excellence Lifetime Achievement Award. Then join us for our Reception beginning at 3:45 and meet our 2015 Joint CPSEN-Excellence Canada Public Sector Excellence Lifetime Achievement Award Winner, Wayne Wouters.

Registration Fees 

Online Registrants



Early Bird Registration  $400.00 Invoice dated or credit card processed by 20 October, 2015.
Group (5 persons or more) $320.00
For more than 5, the fee is still $320.00 per additional person providing they are part of the same Group. An invoice must be dated or a credit card processed by 17 November, 2015.
Full Registration Fee  $500.00  Invoice dated or credit card processed after 20 October and until 17 November, 2015.
Students  $50.00 Must be a full-time student at a post-secondary institution to qualify. Student ID to be presented at registration.
Supporter Exhibitors & Excellence Partner Exhibitors Registration
Supporter Exhibitors (offline registration)
Platinum $4,500.00 Includes 6 event registrations
Gold $3,000.00 Includes 4 event registrations
Silver $1,500.00 Includes 2 event registrations
Bronze $750.00 Includes 1 event registration
Excellence Partner Exhibitors (online registration)
One person


Includes 1 event registration
Two persons $250.00 Includes 2 event registrations
Three persons $300.00 Includes 3 event registrations
Supporter Exhibitors: For additional Supporter Exhibitor information for our 2015 event, please click here: Supporters.
Excellence Partner Exhibitors: For additional Excellence Partner Exhibitor information, please click here: Excellence Partners.

 Registration Information

Registrants (or their coordinators) are asked to follow the instructions on our online registration and payment “landing”page. You will be given the choice of Early Bird, Full or Late Registration depending on the timing. From that point, instructions will be provided but, in summary, it will be possible to pay by credit card online using our registration and payment gateway Eventbrite, an organization with considerable experience and with strong security features. Please be advised that the Eventbrite system is set up so that we can purchase tickets for the event and for Excellence Partner Exhibitor registration – based on the appropriate fee. Please note that any applicable taxes and the Eventbrite ticket and credit card processing fee are included in the ticket price charged. 

Students: (Note: the Excellence Fair Committee does not consider a full-time employee to be a student. Those employed full time will be expected to register as individuals or in a Group on the Eventbrite site).

Supporter Exhibitors: We have decided to register your attendee(s) for you. As fully-accredited registrants, your attendees will be entitled to participate in all Fair activities and you will be asked to provide attendee information including the attendee’s preference for the Professional Development Sessions she or he wishes to attend.

Excellence Partner Exhibitors: The Excellence Partner Exhibitors are invited to register and pay their Partnership fee online. During the registration process, it will be possible for Exhibitors to choose the Professional Development Sessions you wish to attend. Note that Excellence Partner Exhibitors are member-based organizations only!

Offline Payments: Should you choose to register online but pay offline, please use the “Register Now” button, choose your Professional Development Sessions and then choose to pay offline. You will be sent an invoice by Eventbrite to pay by cheque. Please make your cheques payable to “Canadian Public Sector Excellence Network” and send your cheques to the Treasurer at the following address:

Canadian Public Sector Excellence Network
440 Laurier Avenue W., Suite 200 
Ottawa, ON  K1R 7X6

HST Number:  830 849 022 RT0001

Cancellation Policy: While no cancellation of a confirmed registration is possible, it will be quite acceptable for a substitute attendee to take the place of the initial confirmed registrant.

Photographs: The act of registration for our event is considered to provide permission, for all registrants, speakers and Award and Prize winners, for photographs to appear in print and electronic media without a name being associated with that photograph or photographs.

Email Access Approval: The act of registration for our event will be considered explicit approval for CPSEN to email the individual to provide notice of any CPSEN activities.

Testimonials: From time to time we may post testimonials – either oral or written – to our website. Before doing so, we will get permission from the person or persons involved.