Program 2012

For our 2012 Program, we have maintained the format established for our 2010 and 2011 events and have combined keynote speakers, panel discussions and professional learning sessions into a single day that will have something for everyone seeking professional development and fulfillment. All available abstracts will be linked to the appropriate item. Similarly, all available presentations will be linked to this page. After the event, look for “Presentation” with a link to the presentation. Depending upon your Internet connection, some presentations may take some time to download.

With our Program now complete, you may click here to download a .pdf version of the Program.

 Collaboration, Innovation and Excellence
Time   Topic/Presenter


Registration / Continental Breakfast / Networking/ Visit Exhibits
Welcome from CPSQA and Excellence Canada – Introductory Comments by Co-Chairs:
Jean Tourigny, Chair CPSQA and Steve Davies, Executive Director – NCR, Excellence Canada
Opening Keynote Speaker
The Honourable Tony Clement, President, Treasury Board and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario | Conférencier principal d’ouverture : l’Honorable Tony Clement, Président du Conseil du Trésor et ministre de l’Initiative fédérale du développement économique dans le Nord de l’Ontario
Panel 1: “Collaboration & Innovation”. Moderator: Dan Corbett, Corsaw Associates
P-1 Rosanna Di Paola, Chief Information Officer, Public Safety Canada – Presentation
P-2 Neil Parry, Senior Director, Program Delivery, Canadian Air Transport Security Authority – Presentation
P-3 Ed Kane, Assistant Vice-President (University Services), Carleton University – Presentation
10:30 Health Break/ Networking / Visit Exhibits
 Professional Development Sessions #1
 Session 1A.
“Collaboratively building a strategic plan”
 Ken Durst, District Manager, Kemptville, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources with colleagues Tanya McLaurin & Stuart Mallany  – Presentation
Session 1B.
Brain Power, Brain States and Innovation: Tapping the Well
Dale Stevenson, CEO and Trevor Stevenson, President – Co-Founders, The Leadership Group (TLG) – Presentation
Session 1C (en français)
“Excellence – Cadre intégré  de l’excellence organisationnelle: faire le lien entre la stratégie et les opérations”
Yves Roy, Spécialiste, Excellence du rendement, Santé Canada – Présentation

Lunch / Networking / Visit Exhibits

1:15pm  Presentation of Joint CPSQA-NQI Public Sector Excellence Lifetime Achievement Award for 2012  to Angela Coke, Associate Deputy Minister, HROntario and Chair, Public Service Commission, Ontario Ministry of Government Services – Introduction by CPSQA Co-Chair, Jean Tourigny
 Professional Development Sessions #2
 Session 2A.
“Using Appreciative Inquiry to create collaboration and innovation in Strategic Planning”
John Thomas, President John F. Thomas Management Consulting & Michael Hart, President, HUMAN  Presentation
Session 2B (en français)
Créer un environnement propice à l’innovation
Denis BoulianneCadre dirigeant, Gestion des services, Service Canada, région du Québec
Session 2C.
Designing and Implementing Risk-based Approvals
Tristan Hovey, HRSDC & Jo-Anne Carrière, PWGSC
3:00  Health Break / Networking / Visit Exhibits
 Closing Keynote Speaker
Chief Vern White, Ottawa Police Service
Closing Address / Feedback / Door Prize Presentations

Steve Davies, Excellence Canada & Jean Tourigny, CPSQA