Program – 2011

For our 2011 Program, we have maintained the format established for our 2010 event and have combined keynote speakers, panel discussions and professional learning sessions into a single day that will have something for everyone seeking professional development and fulfillment. All available abstracts have been linked to the appropriate item. Similarly, all available presentations also have been linked to this page. Look for “Presentation” with a link to the presentation. Depending upon your Internet connection, some presentations may take some time to download.

Click here to download a .pdf version of our Program.

 Achieving Workplace Excellence: Renewal in Challenging Times
Time  Topic/Presenter


Registration / Continental Breakfast / Networking/ Visit Exhibits
9 :00
Welcome from CPSQA and NQI – Introductory Comments by Co-Chairs:
John Thomas, Chair CPSQA and Don Wilson, Executive Director – NCR, NQI
Opening Keynote Speaker
Denise Amyot, President and CEO, Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation
Panel 1: “The Leader’s Role in Creating Renewal in Challenging Times”. Moderator: Dr. Ralph Heintzman, Adjunct Research Professor, Graduate School of Public & International Affairs, uOttawa.
P1-1 Leslie Slater, ADM, Modernization Division, HROntario / Presentation
P1-2 Patricia Walcott, Lieutenant Governor’s Award, Service Canada / Presentation
P1-3 Dominique Francoeur, CEO, Canadian Forces Housing Agency, DND / Presentation
10:30 Health Break/ Networking / Visit Exhibits
 Professional Development Sessions #1
 Session 1A.
Dan Corbett, Corsaw, Inc.
“Appreciative Inquiry – engaging staff to create a breakthrough Innovative Workplace”
Session 1B.
David M. Jenkins, Borcom Inc.
“Systems Thinking Approach to  Workload Management”
Session 1C.
Deborah Donnelly, PWGSC
“Using Change Management to make improvements sustainable”

Lunch / Networking / Visit Exhibits

1:00pm  Presentation of Joint CPSQA-NQI Public Sector Excellence Lifetime Achievement Award for 2011 to Liseanne Forand, Senior Associate Deputy Minister, Human Resources & Skills Development & Chief Operating Officer Service Canada
 Professional Development Sessions #2
 Session 2A. 
Ed Bernacki, The Idea Factory
“Talking about innovation does not make you innovative!” 
Session 2B.
Michael Hart, Human
POWER PDCA – an innovative tool to drive process improvements
Session 2C.
Stan Murray, NQI.
“Workplace Health – or is Resilience enough?”
2:45  Health Break / Networking / Visit Exhibits
Panel 2: “Increase Employee Engagement through Empowerment”. Moderator: Toby Fyfe, Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Government Executive Magazine.
P2-1 Renée Légaré, Senior Vice President, People, Canadian Air Transport Security Authority / Presentation
P2-2 Lorna Thomas, Deputy Chief, Currency, Bank of Canada / Presentation (e) ; Presentation (f)
P2-3 George Chin, Chair, Eastern Interministerial Council, Ontario Public Service 
Closing Keynote Speaker
The Honourable Stockwell Day, President of the Treasury Board
and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway
Closing comments / Feedback / Door Prize Presentations
Don Wilson, NQI & John Thomas, CPSQA