Subject: “How Organizations learn Service Excellence”
Abstract: The common refrain from employees and clients is often that while they can not put their fingers on it, they know excellence when they see it, or more importantly –when they don’t see it. Dr. Miles will briefly discuss the different ways that organizations learn and how a concept such as service excellence can be developed among employees.
Bio: Michael Miles completed his Doctoral Degree in Human and Organization Systems at the Fielding Institute in Santa Barbara. He holds 2 management-related Masters Degrees (in Organization Development and Organization Systems from Pepperdine & the Fielding Institute respectively) and one in Community Development (University of Alberta). Areas of his current research activity include international leadership practice and business strategy (focus on China and Thailand), comparative cross-cultural organization effectiveness, and the use of simulation to teach real-world business skills.
Dr. Miles has implemented advanced management training and organization change initiatives as well as managed directly in the areas of staff and management development, human resource management, and organization effectiveness.