Location: NCR – Chateau Laurier Hotel
Subject: “Quality Practitioners Open House II”.
Presentation: Not available
The Canadian Public Sector Quality Association (CPSQA), with members from the federal and provincial levels of government, held an “Open House” exposition by consultants working in the field of quality management.
Individuals from all levels of government involved in implementing quality programs were invited to participate. Attendance was free. The purpose of the Open House was to:
- provide public service employees with the opportunity to meet consultants in the field of quality management, and learn about their services and products; and
- assist government ministries, departments and agencies in implementing quality Initiatives.
Consultants presented seminars and were available in a “trade fair” environment to highlight and discuss experience and opportunities inareas such as:
- ISO 9000;
- Human Resources Management;
- Performance indicators;
- Benchmarking;
- Client surveys;
- Training for Quality Services; and
- Employee surveys
CPSQA Directors believe this event was a catalyst for the increased application of quality practices throughout the public service. It is the second such event, organized by the CPSQA in association with the Interdepartmental Quality Network of the federal government.