Location: NCR – Richmond Room, Ottawa City Hall
Subject: “Change Management in the Public Sector“
Registrants: 27 7 on waiting list two presenters
Presentations: Attached – see below
- Jacques Bérard, Director of the Change Process Office for PWGSC [Presentation]; and
- Virginie Ethier, Director of the Procurement Renewal Office of Acquisitions Branch, PWGSC [Presentation].
Jacques described how PWGSC uses a management tool called the “Snapshot” to manage its portfolio of change initiatives and how a Toolkit of Change Management is changing the life of managers. Virginie then provided an insight as a client and recipient of change management and how it has affected their transitions.
- Federal Management Accountability Framework indicator 8 – expectations for good change management;
- “Snapshot of Large Scale Change Initiatives” tool – allows for better management of the Department’s portfolio of change initiatives;
- Intranet Tookit for Change Management – focusing on people dynamics and intended for leaders and managers;
- Change Management Case Study; and
- Client overview of their change projects and how Change Management and its Diagnostic is helping to reduce resistance and better target messaging.
Site visitors are encouraged to click on the Presentation links above.