Location: NCR – Colonel By Room, Ottawa City Hall
Subject: “Develop an Action Plan from Results of Electronic Voting”
Registrants: 13 plus several “walk-ins”
Speaker: John Thomas, Director of CPSQA.
Abstract: John Thomas again facilitated this learning event – at which attendees learned how to take the results of the voting at the September meeting and build an Action Pan for improvement actions. During our September 30th networking meeting, we used “Electronic Voting” to perform an example self-assessment with participants. The results from September 30th demonstrated a consensus, in a confidential manner, on the strengths and areas for improvement regarding future CPSQA presentation subjects.
John explained how to take the results of self-assessments to build an action plan integrated with your organization’s management practices. Although we used the “Electronic Voting” to establish potential future presentations that CPSQA members would be interested in, the “Electronic Voting” could also be used for:
- the Management Accountability Framework (MAF);
- establishing a baseline for a performance framework; and/or
- an informal pre-assessment prior to seeking a formal assessment for certification to an ISO standard, certification to the NQI Excellence criteria, or for a Canada Award for Excellence.
Note: As a matter of interest, CPSQA has added a polling feature to this website to seek inputs from members and potential members regarding topics for discussion at future meetings. The current poll appears on the left side of each website page.