NCR Networking Meeting – 2009-09-30

               John Thomas                                      Vic Pakalnis            

Location: NCR – Colonel By Room, Ottawa City Hall

Subject:  The Use of Electronic Voting in Facilitated Self-Assessments

Registrants: 21

Presentation: Attached.

Speaker: John Thomas and Vic Pakalnis, Directors of CPSQA.

Abstract: From time to time we are all required to perform a self-assessment. It could be for:

  • the Management Accountability Framework (MAF);
  • establishing a baseline for a performance framework; or
  • an informal pre-assessment prior to seeking a formal assessment for certification to an ISO standard, certification to the NQI Excellence criteria, or for a Canada Award for Excellence.

The approach demonstrated at this workshop showed how a group could arrive at a consensus, in a confidential manner, on the strengths and areas for improvement. Those attending found the workshop an excellent learning opportunity and quickly became fans of the electronic voting system. Vic & John reviewed 11 questions that can be found in the attached presentation. The results of our voting will be discussed at our next meeting November 18th.

Register now for our November 18th learning event, we will explain how to take the results of self-assessments to build an action plan integrated with your organization’s management practices.