NCR Networking Meeting – 2003-09-24

Location: NCR – Marriage Preparation Room, Ontario Provincial Court Building

Subject:  The Six Sigma approach to quality improvement and its application in an education setting

Presentation: Attached.

Speaker: Dr Michael J. Armstrong, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University

Background: Michael is an assistant professor at Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business, where he teaches courses on operations management, quality and supply chains. Michael is certified by the American Society for Quality (ASQ) in both Quality Management and Reliability Engineering, and his research interests include the modeling of reliability and maintenance. Prior to entering academia he worked in National Defense as an air force engineering officer.

Abstract: The presentation was based on the program offered by Carleton University which primarily focuses upon the Six Sigma approach to quality improvement, showing how it blends both the statistical (or quantitative) and the managerial (or qualitative) aspects of quality; other topics such as ISO 9000:2000 were also covered. Michael also made mention of some of the other quality-related courses offered by post-secondary institutions in the Ottawa area, and concluded by describing some of the potential challenges involved in applying quality principles to the university’s own operations.