NCR Networking Meeting – 2003-06-26

Location: NCR – Canadian General Standards Board, Place du Portage.

Subject:  Development and Implementation of an Integrated Management System – a Health Canada journey“.

Presentation: Attached

Speaker:  Andy Butterfield, Office of Planning and Management Services, HECSB, Health Canada

Background: Andy Butterfield is Special Advisor, Office of Planning and Management Systems, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety (HECS) Branch, Health Canada, and project manager for the HECS Enhanced Management Capacity Project. He has over 30 years experience in government — involving a road range of responsibilities, from analytical method development in a research laboratory to managing performance measurement, planning, administrative, informatics and cost recovery activities.

Abstract: Senior management of the Health Environments and Consumer Safety Branch (HECS) of Health Canada recognized soon after the Branch was formed that the five Programmes that had been brought together in the new branch had differing cultures and degrees of development regarding management systems and processes. Branch senior management decided a common approach to management was required, and approved the Enhanced Management Capacity Project to develop and implement an Integrated Management System. The project had two parts: definition of an NQI (Canadian Quality Criteria (CQC)) based excellence model, enhanced to address a range of additional requirements, including Modern Comptrollership (i.e. the HECS Management Capacity Model (MCM) — In essence a CQC+ model); and, definition of an Integrated Management Framework (IMF) which interrelates the key elements of the MCM. The presentation covered the approach, status and issues to date as HECS implemented the IMF for the first time this fiscal year (2003-04).