Location: NCR – TBS Boardroom, 400 Cooper Street.
Subject: “Overview of the new CGSB 184.1-02 (Guidelines for Implementing ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems in Public Sector Organizations)“.
Presentation: Not available
Speaker: Yves Boudreau, Team Leader, International Programs, Directorate of Quality, DND.
Background: Yves is a graduate in aerospace manufacturing, with a Certificate in quality assurance, from the University of Quebec at Montreal. After a year with Canadair (Bombardier), Yves joined the Department of National Defense (DND) as a civilian. Yves has now been with DND for 21 years, evolving into the quality assurance/quality management field.
From 1981-83, Yves held different positions varying from quality assurance representative to quality management at aerospace suppliers such as Canadair, Innotech, Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney and General Electric all in the Montreal area.
In 1993, Yves moved to DND HQ as Team Leader, International Programs with the Directorate of Quality Assurance.
Yves is also a voting member of the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), the Canadian Advisory Committee to TC 176-Quality Management, the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) Committee 184.1 Implementation of ISO 9000:2000 in public sector organizations and the Canadian representative to the Allied Committee 250 – NATO Group of National Directors for Quality Assurance.
Abstract: The presentation will consist of an overview of the soon to be released CGSB 184.1-02 which supercedes the CGSB 184.1-1994.
The scope of the CGSB 184.1-02 is to provide stimulus and guidance for the implementation of a quality management system in the public sector based on the internationally recognized standard 9001-2000. The main emphasis of the new document is proposes a generic step-by-step on how to approach to implementing 9000:2000.