Location: NCR – Marriage Preparation Room, Ontario Provincial Court Building
Subject: “Ethical Auditing for Excellence”
Presentation: Not available
Speaker: Dr. Fred Bird, Professor of Comparative Ethics in the Religion Department, Concordia University.
Background: Dr. Frederick Bird is a professor of comparative ethics in the Religion Department of Concordia University. He is the author of The Muted Conscience: Moral Silence and the Practice of Ethics in Business, Good Management: Business Ethics in Action, and numerous articles related to ethics, management, and also religion. He currently directly a large, multi-university research project titled “Global Responsibilities and the Practices of International Businesses in Developing Areas.”
In his presentation Dr. Bird compared three approaches to ethical auditing:
i) social investment auditing,
ii) auditing for compliance with specific codes and standards, and
iii) auditing for excellence.
He then focused on auditing for excellence. Auditing is here conceived of as an interactive, learning process that involves both reflections on the good of particular organizations but also re-commitments to this good. This was a very interactive session enjoyed by all.