NCR Chapter

This CPSQA Chapter is based in the National Capital Region (NCR) and, until 2009, was the sole chapter of CPSQA since the Association formed in 1996. The Chapter coordinates quality excellence networking, designed to bring together those like-minded individuals interested in improving their public sector workplaces. CPSQA seeks to do so by introducing quality excellence principles with tools that will allow those public sector personnel to improve their workplaces in a sustainable manner. The Chapter will bring together those from all corners of the National Capital Region from the Chapter’s base in Ottawa.

Chapter Executive Chair: Jean Tourigny

Jean is a federal public servant with experience in several departments over a period of approximately 30 years. Jean has recently moved into Public Safety Canada and is rapidly picking up the traces.

Jean was elected Chair of the NCR Chapter of CPSQA by his Executive peers at a meeting in the fall of 2011 and he succeeds John Thomas in this position. He is also the Chair of the CPSQA National Board of Directors. The formation of the National Board was a result of the decision to expand CPSQA into other Canadian cities. At the same time, the structure of the NCR Chapter Executives is being clarified – and will be reflected in the two pilot chapters formed in 2010.

Jean is currently reviewing the structure, policies and scope of CPSQA. Plans for the future currently include completion of a review of the CPSQA By-Laws. The By-Laws need to be updated to, among other things, accommodate the current expansion initiative. 

As CPSQA Chair, Jean is also the CPSQA Co-Chair for the annual Ottawa Public Sector Quality Fair. The Chapter Chair’s fellow-Officers and other Executive members are listed in a new Chapter Executive page.

Chapter News:

Items of particular interest to the Chapter region will be posted to this website page and any scheduled meetings will be announced also on the News & Events page.