NCR Chapter Networking Meeting – 2013-11-20

Location: NCR – Le Salon, National Arts Centre

Subject:   Management Accountability Framework

Presentations: Click here to view English & français.

Registrants: 63

Speaker: Anne Casault, Director, MAF Directorate, Treasury Board Secretariat.

 Our Speaker began with a bit of history, tracing the origin of the Framework and how it has been implemented for 10 years. This was followed by an explanation of the steps being taken to make good use of the lessons learned. Anne closed by discussing the future of MAF 2.0 as it has evolved.

The question period was lengthy and full of fine questions and fine answers. The record attendance was energetic in pursuing valuable lines of questioning for which thorough and well-considered answers were provided. 

There was not time for a presentation by Michael Hart of John Thomas’ comparison between MAF 2.0 and Excellence Canada’s “Excellence, Innovation and Wellness” Integrated Management Model. The presentation may be found here.

There was a camera in attendance as well – capturing our Speaker and the majority of the attendees present.