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Membership is FREE

If you're not a member of CPSEN, then chances are you're not on the notification list for upcoming CPSEN news and events.

There are two levels of membership.

  1. Member - must be a current or former public sector employee.
    • automatically notified of upcoming CPSEN news and events.
    • access to networking event reports.
    • ability to join a Communities of Practice (CoP) group.
    • access to CoP group updates.
    • opportunity to join the CPSEN Board of Directors.
    • vote at the CPSEN Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  2. Associate Member - not a current or former public sector employee (i.e. private sector, student)
    • automatically notified of upcoming CPSEN new and events.
    • opportunity to join the CPSEN Board of Directors (if invited).

Click here to register as a Member.

Click here to register as an Associate Member.


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