Location – 2017

Canada Aviation and Space Museum

As we did in 2013, 2014 and 2015, we are pleased once again to be able to present a very appealing venue for the 2017 Symposium. In addition, there is plenty of parking at the museum and for those wishing to travel in groups please check out the Ottawa Ride Match link below.

Please be aware that there is now a charge for parking at the Museum. To address this change, the Fair Committee has undertaken to take care of the parking. 

Please follow this link to obtain directions to the Museum.

If you are looking for company for the ride or need a ride check out Ottawa Ride Match at https://www.ottawaridematch.com/Public/UserSignIn.aspx.

Sign up as a driver or passenger. Make yourself available for matching.  Put in your personal information and in the comments section specify the date and where you need to be picked up.  It’s that easy! 


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