In 1995, a number of keen Ottawa Quality devotees launched the concept of a Public Sector Quality Fair. There was another event the following year. Then the Ottawa Public Sector Quality Fair went into hiatus – and became a most successful annual event – in Toronto. It was decided in the fall of 2006 that the concept should be brought out of hiatus and the Ottawa Public Sector Quality Fair was re-born.
As part of the evolving “Quality Fair”, the organizers decided to extend the concept to provide opportunities to share knowledge and experiences in quality, excellence and healthy workplace. It was concluded also that the fee structures would be such that the events to be offered would be relatively inexpensive – reflecting the not-for-profit nature of our co-hosts, the Canadian Public Sector Quality Association (CPSQA) and the National Quality Institute (NQI) – later to be known as Excellence Canada..
The first of the new “Fairs” was a real success – attracting a good cross-section of quality, excellence and healthy workplace practitioners in the National Capital Region. For 2008, the Committee decided to add a second day to the events structure – to be designated the Professional Learning Day. This too, was a notable success, with over 100 registering for one or other event. In fact, the vast majority of those registering decided to attend both events. In addition, it was decided to seek Supporters – organizations willing to provide financial support to our events. Doing so, allowed the organizers to look farther afield for speakers and to keep the fees at a manageable level.
A separate website was developed to showcase an experiment in Quality, Excellence and in Healthy Workplace – the Ottawa Public Sector Quality Fair and Professional Learning Day. Previous events have been archived and, where available with the authors’ approval, the presentations have been posted to the respective websites. In addition, since 2008, a Photo Gallery is available to provide a pictorial record of attendance and the events themselves.
In 2009, it was decided that, after the 2008 event, the Public Sector Quality Fair in Toronto will no longer be held and that the Ontario Public Service will instead broaden its public sector support in supporting Showcase Ontario.
During this same year, CPSQA Directors decided to expand into other Canadian centres – initially with the identification of local External Directors who may, if there is sufficient support, launch local CPSQA Chapters. In due course, it would not be unreasonable to look for Public Sector Quality Fairs at the Chapter locations. On a pilot basis, Chapters were established in Kingston, Ontario and Kelowna, British Columbia.
Website visitors can visit our Past Fairs that now includes presentations made at our Fairs – back to 2011. In addition, it is now possible for visitors to acquaint themselves with the plans for upcoming events and to register (and pay) online. It will be advisable to check these pages on a fairly regular basis when making plans to attend our future events. Furthermore, you will find links on this site to other sites that promote quality, excellence and healthy workplace environments.
In 2013, some changes were made to the organizational structure with CPSQA becoming the sole Host organization and Excellence Canada (formerly the National Quality Institute) becoming a Major Supporter along with Canadian Government Executive magazine. Please visit the websites of our Major Supporters:
Excellence Canada:
Canadian Government Executive (CGE):
Event Co-Chairs
With the formation of the Canadian Public Sector Excellence Network (CPSEN), came a change of name for the annual Fairs. The Ottawa Public Sector Quality Fair became the Canadian Public Sector Excellence Fair. To ensure full and effective communications with attendees, it was decided there would be two Co-Masters of Ceremonies, one speaking English and the other French. The table below reflects the arrangements made for the 2015 Fair. Details for 2017 will be added in due course.
Year | Co-Chair / Master of Ceremonies | Co-Chair / Master of Ceremonies |
CPSEN Co-Chair | Excellence Canada Co-Chair | |
2017 | TBR | TBR |
2015 | Phil Grandy | Jean Tourigny |
CPSQA Co-Chair | Co-Chair | |
2014 | Jean Tourigny | Caroline Whitby – CPSQA |
2013 | Jean Tourigny | Steve Davies – Excellence Canada |
2012 | Jean Tourigny | Steve Davies – Excellence Canada |
2011 | John Thomas | Don Wilson – NQI |
2010 | Tristan Hovey | Don Wilson – NQI |
2009 | Tristan Hovey | Don Wilson – NQI |
2008 | Tristan Hovey | Don Wilson – NQI |
2007 | Vic Pakalnis | Don Wilson – NQI |
Previous event information is not currently available |