
Information related to the governance of the Canadian Public Sector Excellence Network is posted in this page. Here the latest chart. <Please click here>.

Title Incumbent Email Address
*Chair Phil Grandy
*Vice-Chair George Chin
*Treasurer [vacant]
*Secretary [vacant]
Past Chair – Director-at-Large Jean Tourigny
Marketing Director Craig Marchand
Business Development Director Édouard Larocque
Publicity Director & website host Mike Hart
Volunteer Director Elizabeth Mah
Membership Director [vacant]
Programs Director Naomi Bambara
Director-at-Large – Nominations Chair [vacant]
Director-at-Large [vacant]
Director-at-Large [vacant]
Director – Young Professionals – Youth Engagements [vacant]

Details will be provided concerning both the National Board for CPSEN along with information for the formation of new chapters.


By-Laws exist for CPSQA but are somewhat outdated and do not take into account the formation of chapters in other centres. With the decision to launch the Canadian Public Sector Excellence Network and with an outstanding need for changes, these By-Laws were reviewed and were approved by members at the 2014 Annual General Meeting. Click here to view the new Bylaws.

Roles & Responsibilities

Roles & Responsibilities have been developed for the National Board of Directors and for chapter Executive Committees as follows:

a) National Board of Directors; and

b) Chapter Executive Committees.

It is anticipated that these documents will be reviewed on a regular basis and that feedback will be sought from Directors and from the Chapter Executive Committees. The National and NCR Chapter Executive members are listed separately and are available on this site. Visitors to this site will notice that the National Board and NCR Chapter Executive Officers are the same. It is anticipated that this will change for future years as the NCR Chapter Executive and the National Board begin to function separately. While it is not known at this time, it is quite possible other chapters will be established in other centres where public sector personnel choose to form their own chapter. In the meantime, this website will evolve as the national focus for what CPSEN has to offer the members of the public sector.


To place CPSEN on a more formal footing, there is a need to elect a slate of Officers to manage the affairs of the organization both nationally and in all active chapters. It is anticipated that elections will be held to ensure there are Officers to manage the affairs of CPSEN nationally and within our active chapters.

The first CPSEN Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on September 30th, 2014 and 12 Directors were elected. The newly-constituted Board of Directors has met several times since that time as CPSEN begins to function as a new and vibrant entity. The 2022 AGM was held on October 7th at which time a new Treasurer and Secretary were elected along with a Director Business Development. In addition an NCR Chapter Director-at-Large and Deputy Program Chair were elected.

Organization Chart

Here is the chart – the snapshot being taken July 2022.