Welcome to the Canadian Public Sector Excellence Network
CSPEN (and CPSQA) is celebrating 25 years of service to Canada’s broader public sector.
Together we have served the public sector with quality and, now, excellence quarterly networking meetings and with our one-day annual events. We hope you will find your visit worthwhile as you learn more about what CPSEN has to offer all those working in the broader public sector.
Our Mission Statement:
We support public sector professionals in implementing organizational excellence by:
- Engaging members in practical and affordable professional development events;
- Providing information on successful practices via our website;
- Facilitating professional networks, communities of practices and knowledge sharing
Our Vision:
Our vision is to be recognized as the leader in supporting a dynamic community of practice implementing organizational excellence within the public sector.
Our Events:
CPSEN has two different levels of events.
First, there are Quarterly Networking Meetings, an opportunity for public servants to network and develop professionally. The Quarterly Networking Meetings are half-day events that feature speakers, panels and – more particularly – networking and learning opportunities. Visit the Networking Meeting page to learn more. Then there are the annual one-day Symposiums encompassing Public Sector Excellence speakers and workshops.
The last Symposium program contained keynote speakers, a Talk Show panel, professional development sessions, excellence awards, exhibitors, and prizes.